This help area can be found at:
...and what are our most frequently asked Frequently Asked Questions? Our visitor stats show the following interesting results:
1. What do I get for my £15.00?
This help page was viewed over 1,600 last season! In short the answers include (1) The best football stats for your team presented in the most professional way, (2) Absolutely NO adverts anywhere on your site, (3) End of season archive and the use of stats from previous season... [read full article]
2. What format must my pictures be in?
This is becoming a more common question now that digital cameras produce such large images. The image quality you need for a website is MUCH lower than if you wanted to print out a 10x8" quality photo. So before you upload a picture to the web it is best to resize it down a little... [read full article]
3. Can I add a discussion board to my site?
Web Teams has always had a strategy of concentrating on doing football related things perfectly (league tables, goal stats, team progress, player stats etc...) and leaving more generic things (lots of photos, discussion boards, visitor polls, online videos) to the multi-billion dollar sites that are huge. Our recommendation here is to set up a Facebook Group for your team in parallel to your Web Teams site. This is perfect for banter and daft photos and things and compliments your professional looking Web Teams football site. A more full blog post on this subject will be posted in the near future... [read full article]
4. I have just signed up, how can I edit my site?
Simple getting started question that most reading this blog already know the answer to... [read full article]
5. What happens to my site at the end of the season?
Web Teams offers the much valued archive feature, where a snapshot of your old site is stored at a new URL and the stats from these previous sites are used on your site for the new football season. [read full article]
We do have one or two emails this time of year about people wanting to change URLS we answered this question in the blog post below:
6. How do I get a proper domain name?
Related to the point above. [read full article/ read blog post]
7. A player has left my team, can I delete him from my site?
Yes, at the end of the season. During the season, you should mark against them that they have left the club. In their player details area you should say why they have left the club. This way all of the player statistics stay intact. [read full article]
Please email in any suggestions for future blog posts.